WALLACE 910-271-1258

WILMINGTON 910-271-1258


Legion Asphalt Inc. has a dedicated team to ensure quality and convenience on your next sealing project. We apply two coats of quality sealer to every project to ensure proper pavement protection. Sealcoating on a regular maintenance schedule (every 2 to 5 years) can double the life of your asphalt and is very cost effective.

Sealcoat also:

  • Gives your asphalt that deep rich black color to improve property appearance.
  • Slows oxidation and stops surface water penetration. Without sealcoating, the oxidation process turns the pavement from black to gray as it continues to weaken the asphalt bonding.
  • Provides protection from oil and gas spills.
  • Gives added protection from winter freezing and thawing that causes asphalt to crack.

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